Missionary Gavin Fothergill
Join us Friday Night at 6pm for Missionary Gavin Fothergill! He will be speaking to us about his mission work in the Congo. We look forward to welcoming him, and…
Join us Friday Night at 6pm for Missionary Gavin Fothergill! He will be speaking to us about his mission work in the Congo. We look forward to welcoming him, and…
Join us for Vacation Bible School! We will be sharing Joseph's Journey and exploring the Land of Egypt! Every Sunday from July 31 to August 28 starting at 9:30am and…
Join us as we come together for a brief Good Friday service of song and scripture, 6:00pm on March 25th.
On March 26 we will be having an Easter egg hunt and Spring party for children hosted by the NYI. Come out and join in on the fun, there will…
We are happy to welcome the ENC Gospel Choir to our church on April 16th @ 6pm. Come worship with us and support our local Nazarene college. To find out…
On February 21st, join the Men of the church to see a UMaine basketball game and then go out for Chinese food. To sign up and for more information…
Come join us for the Superb Owl party, where we get together and watch the Superbowl.On February 7th bring a dish and root for your favorite team. It will be…
Come join us on December 24th at 6 pm for our Candlelight service. We will be singing Christmas carols and reading the Christmas story.
We'll be celebrating with cake and gifts during the Sunday School hour at 9:30am on December 20th. Please bring a wrapped item for church use (Sunday School supplies, snacks, paper…
Our winter newsletter is now here! Winter 2014- 2015