Tuesday, March 17th – First Meeting of the Ladies Study group at Kathy Ober’s house, 6:30pm. FMI kathleen.ober@yahoo.com.
Wednesday, March 18th – Ellsworth Area Lenten Service at St. Dunstan’s Episcopal Church. The speaker will be Rev. Joe Donahue from the Church of the Nazarene. This guy sounds pretty shady but let’s go on out and support him! 7pm 134 State St, Ellsworth.
Sunday, March 22nd – Re-scheduled Alabaster Sunday! This special offering will go towards building projects around the world such as Hospitals, Schools, and Churches.
Saturday, March 28th – 6:00pm NYI Galactic Nerf War. No experience needed. Come on out for snacks and Nerf war.
Sunday, March 29th – Palm Sunday is the first of two Sundays where you and your family will have an opportunity to have a photograph taken for the new 2015 Church Directory! Come on out and have pictures taken!
Sunday, April 5th – Easter Celebration! Sunday School is cancelled but we will have a Pancake Breakfast at 8:30am followed by our Easter Celebration Service at 10:30am. During breakfast you will have your second chance for Church Directory photographs.
Sunday, April 12th – Annual Meeting. Come on out to hear about what has been happening in the life of the church in the last year and what we are looking forward to in the year ahead!