The Mission Reading Books for 2016 are now available! There are now many different options available for reading the new missions books!
From the NPH website you can download *free* PDF edition as well as audio version!
Kindle Downloads are also available for only 99 cents each! Links are available next to each title below.
Amazon Adventures by Larry Garman [Kindle Link]
Join the Garmans as they walk through the jungle, navigate the raging Marañon, slip quietly along a remote trail, and celebrate God’s amazing grace.
Branching Into Missions by Tim Crutcher [Kindle Link]
This book invites you to find an opportunity for missions involvement that connects your heart with the needs around the world.
Messengers of Holiness by Amy Crofford and Brad Crofford [Kindle Link]
This book reminds us of Africans who were and are messengers of holiness in Africa and beyond and encourages us to dream with those whom God calls to missions now and for the future.
A Missions Mosaic by Donna M. Wilson [Kindle Link]
While Canada has frequently sent Nazarene missionaries abroad, the country’s open immigration policy has created an influx for new opportunities for ministry at home.