Get a Free Ice Cream!


As part of our Missions Reading Goal, we have partnered with local ice cream shop Morton’s Moo to dish up an incentive for completing all six Missions books: a free pint of ice cream!

There are 2 different sets of books for adults and children, but all are invited to participate, read and discover about the work of the Church of the Nazarene around the world. The books are available in the Missions Library in the foyer, where books and DVDs from past years are also available to check out. In order to earn the free ice cream, you must read the set of books for the current year.

Fine Print: You can pick up a bookmark which has each book listed on it. After reading the book, catch up with our Missions President Cara Raymaker for her signature on the bookmark. Don’t lose it! Complete and hand in before March 31st, 2016 – Cara will reward you with a gift card for a free pint of ice cream at Morton’s Moo!